如何用 vscode 写 hugo 博客
in 杂七杂八 with 0 comment
如何用 vscode 写 hugo 博客
in 杂七杂八 with 0 comment



1. hugofy

可以直接在 vscode 中进行hugo的部署工作 直接用 command shift + P 唤出面板 输入 hugo 查找相应的命令即可


2. Hugo Language and Syntax Support

提供代码高亮, 除了 markdown 的代码高亮以外,还有 meta 信息的高亮

二、 通过 snippets 生成 hugo 的 meta 信息

通过 hugofy 的 new post 命令生成的新文章的 meta 信息太过简单,暂时没找到设置模板的地方,于是自己添加了一个 snippets。

关于 vscode 如何添加自定义 snippets 可以参考官方教程

以下是我的 snippets

    "hugo-meta": {
        "scope": "markdown,md,hugo",
        "prefix": "hugo-meta",
        "body": [
            "title: \"${TM_FILENAME_BASE}\"",
            "draft: true",
            "keywords: []",
            "description: \"\"",
            "tags: []",
            "categories: []",
            "author: \"栖木\"",
            "# You can also close(false) or open(true) something for this content.",
            "# P.S. comment can only be closed",
            "comment: false",
            "toc: false",
            "autoCollapseToc: false",
            "# You can also define another contentCopyright. e.g. contentCopyright: \"This is another copyright.\"",
            "contentCopyright: false",
            "reward: false",
            "mathjax: false",
        "description": "hugo post meta data"